viernes, 5 de noviembre de 2010

Real Madrid

Esta es una presentación hecha por nosotros la hemos hecho con un programa de presentaciones tambien la podéis ver en slideshare ( )

Real madrid presentacion

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I noticed in your hobbies that you enjoy dancing. I looking for people who are like me and also love to dance. So my question is: do your dance professionally in any dance school or belong to any team whether it is more of a hobby and do it because you like it? Waiting for an answer and invite you to read my posts ;] My posts are written in Polish, but I have posted there, translator so all will understand ;] Pease!

  2. hello to make you a follower of our blog
    I dance in a village in Spain, I have 15 years.
    I ask a question do you you what kind of dance practice? I practice breakdance and I have two and a half dancing, I like it because it is a form of exercise and is very fun to do with friends and I love dancing

  3. Muy bien, el blog es una extraordinaria herramienta de comunicación, haciendo amigos y practicando inglés.

  4. Muchas gracias Paco por darnos los consejos tuyos
